Combat Your Coffee Consumption With Dandelion Coffee

One of the more challenging parts of detoxing is giving up your daily coffee. If you rely on your coffee to get you up and going each morning, going without it for 14 days while detoxing may see you clutching onto your latte for dear life! Fortunately, combating your coffee addiction during a detox doesn’t have to be that hard. Dandelion root is the preferred herbal alternative that will give you a similar taste and experience to having that morning cup of joe.
The Benefits of Dandelion
Dandelion is a plant used for both its leaves and roots. Its commonly used a coffee replacement because the root can be extracted, ground and blended to make a mixture that has a similar taste to coffee, (without the caffeine of course!)
The benefits of dandelion go further than helping you quit coffee though; it’s also a wonderful digestive aid, perfect for healing and nourishing your gut during a detox. Dandelion root promotes healthy digestion and helps to balance out bacteria in the intestine. It also works to release stomach acid and bile that supports a healthy digestive tract.
During your detox, dandelion is the perfect companion for your liver, as it will support the liver in removing toxins and balancing out electrolytes. If inflammation and a low immune system create constant issues for you, you’ll love the extra support that dandelion gives your body. It works to reduce inflammation and improve blood cells using its high levels of antioxidants and phytonutrients.
How to Make it as a ‘Coffee’
Fortunately, you don’t have to grow your own dandelions in the garden and make your own mixture to get access to this wonderful plant. There are plenty of dandelion coffee alternatives available at health stores, so you can focus on hitting reset during your detox with a nice cup of dandelion brew.
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