Are you taking a break from alcohol this month for Dry July with Smart Cleanse?
If you are, we want to say congratulations because its a courageous step, and we want you to know you have made one of the best decisions of your life!
Alcohol cravings can be a major challenge for anyone trying to quit drinking. Cravings are the result of both physical and psychological withdrawal from alcohol, because of the addictive nature of it. It actually hijacks your mind and body, hence the feeling of lack of will power.
We have a tool for you that helped me immensely when I quit alcohol almost 2 years ago.
Fortunately, there is an approach to managing cravings called “craving surfing,” which helps you manage your cravings, to successfully break free from alcohol addiction. I want to help you learn this powerful tool...."craving surfing," and how you can use it to overcome your alcohol cravings this Dry July.
Trust me you are more powerful, than anything liquid in a bottle! It’s time to reclaim your power and health!
What is Craving Surfing?
The concept of craving surfing was first developed by Dr. Alan Marlatt in 1978 as part of his research on relapse prevention therapy (RPT). It involves recognising when a craving begins and then responding with mindful awareness, rather than immediately acting on it or attempting to suppress it.
Instead of fighting against the urge, observe and ride out the wave of intense emotions and physical discomfort (associated with these urges), until they pass away naturally without any action being taken.
This is where you reclaim your power over alcohol's calling and retrain your brain for abstinence. You can unwire old neural connections and rewire healthier neural connections/habits.... all it requires is courage, commitment and repetition!
Step 1: Increase Awareness of Cravings
The first step in craving surfing is to become more aware of where cravings originate from and what triggers them. This can help identify patterns and old habits associated with drinking so they can be addressed and replaced with abstinence from alcohol with your Smart Cleanse program. Start by writing down the exact feelings you experience during a craving, including thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and triggers.That’s awareness. Meditate or play some relaxing music and lay down, whilst asking yourself those questions and the answers will come from your higher self.
Step 2: Surfing the Wave
When you recognise a craving beginning to arise, take a few moments to practice mindful awareness by focusing on deep breathing (in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, out of 7 seconds, repeat this 10 times) and not pushing away the feeling or trying to suppress it.
Instead of giving in to the urge immediately or avoiding it altogether, try to stay with it for as long as it lasts, because like waves in the ocean or a bell curve, it will start from no where, hit a peak of intensity, and then it will subside. Learning how to manage alcohol cravings can be a difficult task, but the craving surfing technique offers a very effective way of overcoming them.
A wave in the ocean starts with a mix of wind, gravity, and water currents, which together build up energy. As the wave travels over distance, it builds up energy and amplifies in size until it reaches its peak before crashing down onto the shore and calming back into the ocean.
“This too shall pass…..” and so will your cravings!
Craving surfing is based on the metaphor of riding out a wave in the ocean, where you are able to observe and experience the intensity of your craving, without acting upon it or attempting to suppress it. This allows you to gain control over emotions associated with cravings and make better decisions about your behaviour, instead of giving in to the craving when its at its maximum height and intensity.
It may feel like the wave is more powerful than you and whilst that may be true in a wild ocean surf, you have far more control over the waves of cravings, within your mind and body.
Just sit with it, breathe, meditate, take a cold shower (even in winter haha), a warm epsoms salts bath, book in for a massage, or a spa treatment, go for a walk in nature, stretch, do some yoga, or go to the gym, nurture yourself, rest, and it will subside eventually I promise. Of course if it is serious withdrawal, you may need to get medical assistance.
Step 3: Reframe Your Cravings
After you’ve ridden out the wave of cravings, and you’re now relaxing on the beach, take a few moments to reflect and reframe your thoughts about drinking. Think about why you want to quit drinking, all the endless benefits, define yourself by an ideal vision of your future self (at your full-potential!), dream big, and consider how much better life can be without it in the long run.
Alcohol addiction can be a difficult thing to break free from, but with the right approach and an understanding of how craving surfing works, it is possible to manage your cravings in order to achieve 1 month alcohol-free this Dry July ... or if you choose lasting sobriety.
What are your goals? Because you have the power within to achieve anything.
Alcohol cravings like waves build up in intensity over time before crashing down and leaving us with feelings of regret and guilt if we act upon them. It will also destroy your integrity, trust in yourself and confidence, because you didn't honour and stick with your commitments. Learning how to surf this wave is key to managing alcohol cravings and overcoming addiction in the long run....
By paying attention to your physical and psychological reactions when you experience these cravings, which will fade further and diminish each day you abstain, and reframe your thoughts about drinking, you can master how to stay on top of these “craving waves” and stay committed and motivated.
Awareness, discipline always comes before motivation, but once you have all 3 working and get good at ....craving surfing.... you will stay motivated, and avoiding alcohol will become an upgraded software program in your subconscious mind, that will lead to an upgraded version of you at your full potential, inside and out! Glowing, joyful, and thinking clearly. Unstoppable in fact!
With these tips in mind, you will be well on your way to a successful Dry July journey!
Good luck! You've got this ....
For more information about the craving surfing technique and other helpful strategies on how to quit drinking alcohol, reply and I will be happy to help you overcome this addiction with my naturopathy and Master NLP coaching program, as I have overcome this addiction, almost 2 years alcohol-free and am qualified in both functional medicine (Naturopath, Master NLP Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist).
I believe in you!
Your Naturopath and Coach,
Savannah Daisley
BHSc, ND, Master NLP