How to keep the weight off and maintain your Summer results during Winter

As the Winter chill hits we tend to switch our Summer salads for comfort food and our swimsuits for cosy knits. It’s common to feel less motivated and less focused on your health as the long Summer days start to seem like a distant memory. All the effort and great work put into reaching your goal weight for Summer can start to slide downhill, as the Winter takes control.
Luckily, keeping the weight off and maintaining your Summer results doesn’t have to be a battle. In fact, with a little balance and practicing mindful habits, you’ll end Winter just how you started it - looking better naked, and feeling empowered by your new healthy direction!
Stay focused on your why
Keep the weight off for Winter by staying mindful, present and focused on your why. Remember that feeling you had when you made the commitment to get healthy? You felt empowered, focused and clear on what you wanted and the key to maintaining this is to remind yourself of it - every, single day!
Practice mindful eating
Eating mindlessly is a common bad habit that many of us find it hard to break. Yet when we practice mindful eating as a daily habit, it’s a lot easier to maintain our health and stay focused.
The next time you reach for a less than healthy sweet or snack, stop and allow 5 seconds to choose the healthiest option for you - and remember that practice makes perfect!
Experiment with nourishing warm foods
When the cold weather hits we naturally crave warm, rich foods, but that often leads to eating highly processed meals that take us off track. The good news is, Winter can be a great time to experiment with more home cooking, giving you total control over what you eat. Try experimenting with warm nourishing meals that are healthy and satisfying, like our Lamb Backstrap or Dukkha Chicken - yum!
Keep a food journal to stay aware of your habits
Keeping track of what you eat and how you feel each day has many benefits. Practice the habit of writing down your daily food journal, to remind you of your goals and keep you focused on your why. You’ll start to notice any patterns or bad habits that pop up regularly, so you can have awareness the next time they start to creep back in.