What is a Safe Way to Detox and Cleanse Your Colon?

If you’re looking for a safe way to detox and cleanse your colon, you’re already on the right track. Personal research is the first step towards making sure your detox system serves you well instead of setting you back.
If you’re new to the concept of a colon cleanse and detox, here’s a quick primer.
A colon detox and cleanse involves flushing out your colon (large intestine). This process removes the toxins that build up in your colon, ultimately promoting better digestion and better gut health.
Many people think of enemas or colon irrigation when they imagine colon cleansing. While it’s true that these are options for clearing out your large intestine, there are less invasive methods.
These alternatives include either natural home remedies or dietary supplements that have a laxative effect. We recommend organic supplements like the Colon Cleanse Formula by Smart Cleanse.
We’ll get into the benefits of supplements versus irrigation in a moment. We’ll also explain the safe way to detox using a product like Smart Cleanse. But first, let’s talk about why you should bother with a detox and cleanse in the first place.
Why Should You Detox and Cleanse Your Colon?
Many people detox and cleanse their colon to address digestive problems. A colon cleanse can be an effective way to overcome chronic constipation or improve regularity. As an added bonus, a cleanse resets the digestive system, which can help you lose weight more efficiently.
While these are the best-known reasons for cleansing, they are just the tip of the iceberg.
You see, your colon does more than transport waste out of your body. This organ fights harmful bacteria and extracts water and salt from your waste. The colon is also an important part of the larger system we call “the gut.” And the gut influences everything from heart function to mood.
You may have heard about “gut microbiota” or “good bacteria.” Phrases like these refer to the bacteria in your gut that produce chemicals, compounds, and feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin.
In other words, the balance of bacteria in your gut microbiome influences functions throughout your body. An imbalance trigger a release of neurotoxins and lead to issues such as:
- Brain fog
- Asthma
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Metabolic syndrome
- Obesity
- Depression
- And more
As long as you find a safe way to detox, an occasional colon cleanse can help you get rid of toxin build-up while promoting a healthy balance of gut microbiota. This often means you see improvements in:
- Mental clarity
- Mood
- Skin condition
- Energy
- Calm feelings
- Overall wellness
- And more
This brings us to our next point.
A Safe Way to Detox That’s Less Invasive Than Irrigation
Colon irrigation is an effective way to achieve a squeaky clean large intestine in anticipation of a medical procedure.
But if your goal is to maintain a healthy gut, we recommend an organic dietary supplement.
For one thing, while enemas and irrigation are generally a safe way to cleanse, they’re not safe for everyone. People with connective tissue disorders risk puncturing a hole in the bowel.
If you’ve had severe hemorrhoids or colon surgery, those are also reasons to steer clear of colon hydrotherapy.
Another concern is that irrigation may flush out good bacteria along with the toxins.
A carefully formulated supplement like the Colon Cleanse Formula offers a more nuanced approach. Loaded with omega-rich fibers, nutrients, and organic herbs, supplements like this one consider what your body needs to consume—not just the substances you should eliminate.
Plan to try the Colon Cleanse Formula? Here are a few things you need to know in order to make this a safe way to detox and cleanse.
Drink Plenty of Fluids
This is extremely important. A practitioner-strength cleanse like Smart Cleanse is going to clean you out. It’s worth it! You will feel amazing. Most people report better regularity, a clearer mind, and more energy.
But they also lose a lot of water.
Dehydration is the biggest concern in any colon cleanse system. It’s also avoidable as long as you don’t already live with kidney disease or another fluid-depleting condition.
Supplementation is a safe way to detox as long as you keep drinking water throughout the day.
Start Small and Ramp Up
Don’t be too ambitious! Start with the lowest dose and then increase if you need a laxation boost.
If you’re using the Smart Cleanse Colon Cleanse Formula, start with one heaped scoop of the formula in 300 mls of water. Drink this mixture 30 minutes before breakfast. Stick with once a day to start. You can increase frequency depending on your body’s response.
For Some People, There is No Safe Way to Detox the Colon
While we love spreading the joy of cleansing far and wide, we also want to make sure everyone is doing the best thing for their body.
For many of us, detoxing and cleansing is the best thing.
But for some, there simply is no safe way to detox.
Pregnant and breast-feeding women should wait until they are no longer pregnant or breast-feeding. Even then, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about whether you are ready for a cleanse.
As we mentioned previously, anyone who has a condition that causes fluid imbalances should also hold off. This includes kidney diseases and certain heart problems. Colon Cleanse is also off the table for some people who have gastrointestinal disorders, such as Crohn's disease. If you suffer with it, all products in our 14 Day Smart Cleanse kit are highly beneficial, it’s just that you can’t take herbal laxatives, so Colon Cleanse is out. Replace it with the same dosage of chia meal or chia seeds.
If you have a condition that you think could interfere with your ability to detox and cleanse safely, talk to your physician.
Listen to Your Body
Finally, be aware that there are side effects to colon cleansing, especially in the first few days. You may experience symptoms such as:
- Slight nausea
- Minor cramps
- Minor aches
- Fatigue
- Headaches
You may be especially prone to these symptoms if you do the Colon Cleanse Formula as part of the larger 14 Day Smart Cleanse system. This is normal.
If these symptoms grow severe or persist, stop using the product. Our Colon Cleanse Formula is organic, made with natural ingredients, and is a safe way to detox. However, each individual has a different physiology. Listen to your body. At the very least, reduce the dosage to half a scoop.
Ready to give it a shot?
You can find the Smart Cleanse Colon Cleanse Formula right here. If you want to take your transformation one step further, check out our 14 Day Smart Cleanse. Our detoxification system is safe, organic, and designed to fit easily into your busy lifestyle.
Want to know more? Don’t hesitate to reach out! We know how important it is to make the right choices for your body, and we’re more than happy to help you talk through the possibilities.