Read our blog to find inspiration and tips to keep you looking and feeling fabulous
Jan 24, 2017

10 Ways to Regularly Detox Your Liver for Optimal Health

The humble liver is a vital organ in your body, performing over 400 functions! The liver acts as a filter, by sifting through every single thing that comes into your body. It uses anything healthy and gets rids of anything toxic that isn’t required. The liver works to break down proteins, remove damaged blood cells and it also holds a vast amount of your energy, daily vitamins and iron.

Dec 30, 2016

3 Steps to Finding the Best Fitness Plan for Your Body

You’ve seen the ads on TV and in the magazines: “The ONLY plan you’ll need to lose weight” “The secret fitness tip that will change your life forever” The reality is that there isn’t one fitness plan that suits everyone. The best fitness plan for you is the one that is unique to your goals and is on that you’ll stick to! When it comes to creating a fitness plan, there isn’t one secret workout that will change your entire body instantly, but when you figure out your unique goals for your body type, you can develop a plan that empowers you and helps you stay focused. Here’s how:

Dec 30, 2016

3 Great Questions a Smart Cleanse Customer Asked Us Today

1. Is the eating program quite difficult to follow? i.e only certain types of fruit and veg It is very easy to follow which is good. In the kit you will receive the Smart Cleanse instruction manual and if you go to page 24 Weight Loss Section, you will find all the allowable foods in Carb and Calorie counter. Just tailor it to the fruits and veggies you can eat and like to eat. The rules for rapid weight loss are Protein and Veggies week 1 and Protein, Fruit and Veggies week 2. There is no starvation with this program. Choose organic produce to minimise your exposure to toxins in commercial produce....

Dec 14, 2016

5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Tummy Flat During the Silly Season

The silly season calls for fun and festivities with friends and family, but with it often comes weight gain and bloated tummies. These 5 tips will help you banish the extra weight and keep your tummy flat, while still having fun over the holidays!

Nov 23, 2016

3 Simple Tips to Stay on Track when Limiting Heavier Foods and Alcohol

The detox process may feel like a battle with temptation, as heavier processed foods and alcohol are eliminated from your diet. We can find comfort in a warm meal and a glass of vino (or two!), but when it comes to the detox process, it’s time to switch these toxic temptations for cleansing foods and drinks.

Oct 27, 2016

How to keep the weight off and maintain your Summer results during Winter

As the Winter chill hits we tend to switch our Summer salads for comfort food and our swimsuits for cosy knits. It’s common to feel less motivated and less focused on your health as the long Summer days start to seem like a distant memory. All the effort and great work put into reaching your goal weight for Summer can start to slide downhill, as the Winter takes control.

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New & improved and more potent, 14 Day Smart Cleanse Kits have just arrived!!!

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